Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes! We Can, Too!

If California's Proposition 8 passes -- if the people who fear diversity and embrace oppression claim a voting victory -- everyone will lose.
Same sex couples will not disappear nor will they stop seeking equality. A victory for this absurd ballot initiative will only make people who care for justice more determined to seek it and to win it.
The country mandated change tonight. To deny same sex couples the right to marry is regression to a darker time. A country determined to move toward the light will eventually refuse to tolerate all oppression.
So, you YES folk, if you win this round, enjoy your party.
The times they are a changing.
Life yearns for light.


Arava said...

It makes no sense that yes won. What is this fear? I'm sorry for all of us who believe in love and marriage.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed at the intelligence of our society!

Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed in our society.