Monday, June 3, 2019

The First Word Is The Hardest Part

It doesn’t matter if you are using a pen and paper, a pencil and paper, a typewriter, a computer or your phone you’ve still got to come up with that first word.  I suggest you not spend too much time worrying about whether or not it’s a perfect first word. Just do it.
My brother and I used to write letters to each other so when I found myself struggling with that first word I would use two first words instead:  Dear Tom. Because we wrote so many letters back and forth those two words would get me started.  After that I would just start telling him my story. My brother died several months ago and I still start my stories with ‘Dear Tom’. It feels comfortable and continues to effectively get me going
Find something that effectively gets you going and then use it because, after all, that first word really is the hardest..

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