Thursday, September 3, 2009

How About Some Good News For A Change?

In this morning's Los Angeles Times, on page 22, there was an article entitled: "Israelis and Palestinians talking again after months-long freeze". The article went on to say that Israeli and Palestinian officials held their first high-level meeting in months on Wednesday and discussed ways to bolster a promising economic recovery in the West Bank.

That's news, and it's good news. Why bury it on the last page of the "world" section?

Now, you know that if a Palestinian suicide bomber had blown up a bus in Israel, or if the Israeli army had killed a Palestinian family, that would have been on the front page. With color pictures.

I know that there is plenty of evil in the world, and that it has to be reported. But after days and days of looking at pictures of fire, hurricane Jimena, and the ugly creep who abducted Jaycee Lee Dugard, it would have been nice to see something hopeful on the front page of the paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree - good news should make the headlines. There's to much negativity these days. We need more positive or learn of doing good for one another.