Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Social Justice Cannot Be Decided By Those In Power

Disenfranchisement is at the heart of social justice.  If all were treated equally there would be no need for social workers or social reform.  Would that day soon arrive!
But not now.  Not yet.
The California Supreme Court heard oral arguments today on whether proponents of Proposition 8 have the right to appeal a federal district court decision issued last August by Judge Vaughn R. Walker, which found the measure that eliminated the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in California unconstitutional. Proponents are asking for legal standing to challenge the ruling even though the Governor and the Attorney General have refused to do so.  The argument of the proponents is that the courts have no right to deny the majority its ballot won rights.  Fair and square, they say.  Fair and square to go against the wisdom of the Supreme Court in favor of the bigoted hysteria of the majority of voters.
If the disenfranchised were in the majority they wouldn't be disenfranchised.  There would be no struggle for equal rights because there would be no inequality.  So what sense does it make to allow the majority to overthrow a ruling of unconstitutionality handed down by the courts?
Social injustice is a minority reality.  Never, therefore, under any circumstances should the majority -- those with the power and the voices -- have the right to independently decide the rights of the minority.
There is no sense in this.  And yet...
Time perhaps to buy a ticket on a freedom bus if those buses are still allowed to run and if anyone has any interest in riding them.
We need our heroes back.

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