Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is the FBI doing?

On Wednesday, Spencer Ackerman, senior writer for's national security blog, "The Danger Room", broke a disheartening story. The FBI has been training its agents to believe that American Muslims are dangerous and violent, and that the more religious they are, the more likely they are to be terrorists. This is not a random misstatement or error; he has released dozens of pages of documents. The original story can be found here: and Ackerman says that there is much more to come. All the FBI can say in response is "the individual who was teaching this material no longer works for the FBI". Senators, counterterrorism professionals and civil rights advocates have been shocked by this news, and frankly, I think we all should be, too.

In the spirit of both full disclosure and boasting rights, I freely admit that Spencer Ackerman is the son of my best friend, I have known him since he was born, and I am very proud of his work. Go, Spencer.

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