Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not Many Degrees

The plight of the two women journalists held in North Korea was, until today, of distant concern to me because their situation seemed so out of context. While I cared, I hadn't felt a connection. Today, however, things changed. A colleague with whom I have worked for a decade literally ran into my office this afternoon shouting, "She's coming home!" Of course, I asked him who was coming home. "My cousin's wife," he said while responding to txt messages on his cell phone.
Yes! My friend's cousin is the husband of one of the two women.
The world got just a little smaller as I got it, really got it, that I was connected to these women all along. We are all connected all of the time. Most of the time, though, we just don't know in what way. My friend's joy reminded me of that connection.

1 comment:

Marnie said...

Sometimes it takes situations like this to remind us that we are all connected! Enjoyed the post.