Monday, January 11, 2010

Shooting Craps for Beginners

Since retiring at the end of 2009, I find myself more open to the idea of taking a gamble, now and then. After all, I tell myself, what can it hurt? It isn't like it might cost my job or waste a lot of time that I can't afford to lose. What the hell, I figure: as long as it isn't too much of a danger to myself or others, why not give it a try?
So, guided by that philosophy, I volunteered to serve on my Homeowners Association Board of Directors. I swear to God, I'm not making this up.
And tonight, by a unanimous vote at their annual meeting, members of the association elected me as an at-large member of the Board. I am deeply honored and humbled by the faith and confidence my fellow homeowners have placed in me.
Of course, it wasn't a real heated race. There were four candidates running and four Board of Director seats up for grabs. Still, everyone could have refused to place an "X" in the box beside my name, throwing the election into chaos.
So I prefer to think of it as an election victory. It's the first time I've ever been voted into any office in a popular vote, dating back to an eighth-grade election when I came in last of four candidates for class president.
Am I finally coming out of my shell, or just losing my mind? It's a roll of the dice.

1 comment:

MaryWalkerBaron said...

As I understand it, sometimes the dice are loaded. Nevertheless, congratulations.