Monday, February 28, 2011

Seems Like Deja Vu All Over Again

Okay.  So I wasn't losing my mind even though attempting to organize my calendar does sometimes seem like walks into the forest from which few emerge sane.  It's just that the more I looked at March the more it seemed like I was stuck in February.  Then I looked at month over views and realized that at least this time it wasn't me.  It was them.  You know.  The them that makes life seem topsy turvy.
Aside from the fact that March has a few more days than does February, the days and the dates match.  This apparently happens every year except leap years when February gets that extra day and those born on that extra day get life times of being years behind time's march.
This information is presented as a public service in the hopes that it will save others from doubting their grasp on reality orientation.
Besides, it's really neat.

1 comment:

Tom Walker said...

Lazy calendar makers! They could've at least thrown in an extra Wednesday or so, just to keep us awake.