Saturday, January 10, 2009

Calling In Foolish

She called a friend to say she couldn't make it this morning because she woke up feeling fluish. When her absence was explained to me, I heard that she woke up feeling foolish and decided to stay home.
My first thought was, "Wow! How wonderful that she takes such good care of herself emotionally. Most of us wait until we're feeling physically ill to stay home."
Okay, so she wasn't feeling foolish. I get that, now.
Wouldn't it be great, though, if our levels of self care got so fine tuned that we could stay home even when we didn't have high temperatures and sore throats?


Arava said...

I always told my kids to tell me when they needed a personal day. It worked so much better that watching them "play" sick.

Marnie said...

It would be great to stay home when you didn't feel emotionally fit to face the world but you can't earn a living like that. The majority of us have to "fake" it when we're no even up to it. goes on.