Friday, January 9, 2009

No Joke!

Barbara Walters interviewed Patrick Swazey asking questions about his pancreatic cancer disease. I object to some of her line of questioning. I'm very disappointed in Barbara. As if this disease isn't bad enough, she kept digging and digging at his wife, Kelly, asking her if she had given thought to what life would be like without Patrick. Likewise, she dug and dug at Patrick asking him how much longer he felt he had before dying. I suspect Barbara was striving for the ratings by trying too hard to make the viewers feel sorry and maybe even cry. Her intent was very obvious. She went too far in my opinion. I know Hollywood is Hollywood but, I feel this was downright mockery! I hope all she was striving for were, in fact, the ratngs. Disease is no joke! Barbara and/or her writers need to go back to the drawing board!

1 comment:

MaryWalkerBaron said...

There is often a disturbing sensationalism in the media. I shudder when weeping beyond devastated parents are asked how they feel about their child having just been killed. Or people who have lost everything to fire being asked when they plan on rebuilding. Move the microphone in close, of course, so we can hear each sob.
Thanks, Marnie, for reminding us that respect and dignity should be safeguarded for everyone.