Thursday, January 1, 2009

Getting There With Baby Steps

Here it is that resolution time of year again. The I will get in shape and I will get get control of my finances and I will eat right time. It may even be the I will learn Spanish time or the I will pray/meditate daily time. This is an exuberant time full of hope and promise.
This time next month will be the To hell with that time or the I didn't really want to time or the What went wrong time or even the I'm such a failure time.
Those times don't feel so good.
I think resolutions are great. With them we can set goals. Goals are wonderful. Seldom, though, in this beginning of the new year time of mandated resolve do we set attainable goals. We want to accomplish so much and we want to change as quickly as possible.
So here's a suggested resolution: This year I'm going to review and revise my goals every single day of the year.
The I will get in shape goal becomes a Today I will walk around the block goal. That goal will, in time, become a Today I will walk three miles goal.
What would our lives be like if we actually accomplished our goals?
Go for it!
I will, too.


Arava said...

wonderful! Each day a blank slate with possibilities for greatness. Kinda takes the pressure off...

MaryWalkerBaron said...

That's the neat thing about breaking goals down into tiny, incremental steps.